Friday, August 27, 2010

CompTIA needs some feedback

This was originally posted J. Seymour - here
As a member of CompTIA's Subject Matter Expert Technical Advisory Committee I encourage everyone to respond.

Are you the “security guy/gal” in your company? Did you implement a multi-factor authentication protocol for your refrigerator? If security is what you “do” I have a favor to ask. Our friends over at CompTIA are developing a new advanced security certification exam to follow their Security+ exam and they’re looking for your input on the exam objectives. This is very similar to what MSL does with our “blueprinting” exercise when we develop an exam. It should take only 10 minutes to complete and can be found here:

As an added bonus, CompTIA is giving away a CompTIA T-shirt to every 10th person who completes the survey!
[cue the fast talking announcer] CompTIA values your privacy. Results are completely anonymous and the data will only be viewed in the aggregate. The survey will be open until September 8, 2010. Please contact if you have any trouble with the survey.
Thanks in advance for helping our friends out!